Harvest in Whaddon
Old Whaddon web sites


Updated Monday 14 October 2024

Whaddon's web site enters its seventeenth year of existence in 2022. The present version of the site (since 2017) is designed to be compliant with the current standards of the World Wide Web consortium. It is written by Nigel Strudwick in HTML 5 using CSS 3. The underlying framework is w3.css, designed by w3schools. The basic shape of the site was inspired by a template at that site, but specific bits of code have been adapted from other sites; in particular the tab and accordion structures are based on examples at csscript.

This site has been tested on most major current browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge). Users of Internet Explorer (now discontinued) before version 9 will find that a lot of things do not work; IE9 will render the page mostly as we plan for, but there will be some oddities. Sorry--blame progress, as IE9 came out in 2010. If you are unsure of what you are using exactly, this web site will tell you. http://www.whatsmybrowser.org. If you need to report a problem to us, there is a link on this site that you can email/copy and send to us. Or send us a screen shot of the page.

A word about the [at] in email addresses. It is simply a method to minimise junk email: spammers have programs that crawl the web looking for email addresses, called spam harvesters. One of the things they look for is @ signs. There are various techniques to make it harder for them, but one of the simplest is to use [at] for @.

Nigel Strudwick wishes to thank the following for testing the new site and making important observations: Randall Scott, Helen Strudwick, Mike Monks, Malan Peyton, Karen Coningsby, Bob Strawbridge, Bob Giddings, Anne Rose, Nikki Morton.

Unless otherwise indicated, images of Whaddon on the site are © Nigel Strudwick 2006-2018. Others are sourced from the Internet.

The web master is Nigel Strudwick. For specific entities within Whaddon, such as the Parish Council, the Village Hall, or St Mary's Church, please use the contact information in their pages on this site. General enquiries about the village or about the site may be sent to the web masters at webmaster [at] whaddon.org, and they will be forwarded to the appropriate person.

The graph below demonstrates how the use of the site has developed since the site was redesigned in 2006. It shows unique visitors and the number of visits; trend lines have been added to all of this data.

Whaddon web statistics

A link to the full usage statistics for the last full month is given below.

Statistics for September 2024 Below are annual summaries of statistics since the site was launched in March 2006.

(*=December data incomplete due to webmaster error)

The original web site for Whaddon was set up in 2006. The link below will show you an image of this generation of the site as it was in 2008. In late 2010, the site was redesigned using a template of the time, and a shot of the image of that version of the site before the changeover in February 2017 is on the second link below.

As web page development continued apace, in 2016 it was decided to do something to bring the site up to date. The particular development of the web over the past six years was the explosion in mobile usage, and the Whaddon site was very much not mobile-optimised. So early in 2017 work began to bring it into the present. You are looking at the result.

  • Image of Whaddon 2006 site

  • Image of Whaddon 2010 site